Flatbread Chicken Breast Sandwich w/ Spinach & Sweet Pepper |
I suppose today's dish was inspired by Subway. I had lunch with a friend, A...our initial meeting was quite happenstance/happenchance. Summer 2012...I woke up to find her in my living room, she had just arrived from India. Although it was stressful times for her to get settle and everything, we became friends from there. You know how in a lot of our relationships, we always get excited about hanging out, we make promises and plans to hang out, but it never falls through. Something I've learned throughout college is that IF there IS a WILL, there IS a WAY. I am guilty of making those empty promises of meeting up throughout fall and summer. I had good intentions but it never worked out and I never felt it was a big deal until one of my conversation partners from China expressed to me that being an international student is actually very lonely. This further convicted me as I attended study abroad sessions and found out that this is indeed a reality for many exchange students that come to America. So from that point, I was resolved to make our hang out happen. Although, we had initially planned for Tuesday, a group project came up for A so we shifted it to Thursday. I'm so thankful that international students are a lot more forgiving and lenient with arriving on time...I was a bit late to today's lunch, but she was so willing to wait. So thankful for grace gah. Anywho, we shared a Subway flatbread sandwich...haha I love how she filled it until it burst with banana peppers and jalapeño (because that's exactly what I would do).
What do you call a nosy pepper? JALAPENO BUSINESS! HAHAHAHA. Good one. BACK TO THE STORY. Boy, let me tell you, it's definitely worth all the effort to make a point of meeting with people one on one. You never know what you can learn from an individual and I was most certainly blessed to have had the opportunity today to learn from A. She gave a lot of advice on pursing internships and looking into graduate school (she's a graduate student). I super excited to get to know her more! Yay!
Yep so I guess my lunch of Subway flatbread inspired tonight's dinner. I usually don't order flatbread, but it's softy chewiness was so tempting to have again.
Since I am a poor college student, I'll tend to use the same ingredients (as you'll notice in future blogs) over and over, but just in different combinations. I can tell you for one that spinach is a staple in my diet heh. Too bad I didn't end up buff like Popeye. :(
Today's Menu Item:
// Flatbread Sandwich //
stuffed w/ Chicken Breast,
sautéed Garlic, Spinach and Sweet Pepper,
and Spicy Hummus spread
Trying a new style of presentation...outdoor shots! Today's sunshine was good to me especially at 5:30 PM.
Olive Oil
1/2 cup Sweet Pepper |
1 cup Spinach |
1/2 cup Chicken Breast...looks like ginseng in this picture lulz. |
Flatbread Multigrain |
Spicy Hummus |
1) Mince 2 cloves of garlic and cook until golden in Olive Oil
2) Add 1/2 diced Sweet Peppers and cook until edges turn brown
3) Add 1 cup Spinach and cook until wilted. Add water as needed.
4) Opt. Toast Flatbread, above quantities serves 2 1/2 Flatbreads...so basically 1 full circle Flatbread
5) Spread Spicy Hummus into the interior
6) Fill in the Flatbread with the sautéed ingredients.
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